Monday 13 May 2013

The J - final piece

my main concept behind J for junkfood was the obesity leevels in ireland rising 300% in recent years tripling the stats 10 years ago. a topic which urgently needs discussing.

 This progressed to what is my final piece. it originated from a stripping back of the junk food back to it's bare essentials. the sugars , the salts, the offal and greases. i wanted to show the sheer filth that makes it up. for this particular piece which was made 3 times due to bad handling and frigile breaking, i based the concept on how sugar and junk food is so neatly packaged. to show this the top of the j is constructed out of moulded acrylic and a clear plastic fizzy drink bottle. the contents are fine caster sugar and granulated sugar. the base is a 4 inch sewage pipe to show the waste that sugar is , the material spewing out is large crytalised sugar which i made. it tastes of cola bottle and is addictively delicious. in appearance it looks like dirty drain water and human waste.

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