Sunday 3 February 2013

Animation module - week 1

The week started off with an introduction to what animation is and what our stop animations should contain. We were next given the brief for our project , we were given the line "i opened the door and" , creating infinite possibilities for our creations.
A blank storyboard was then distributed and we got cracking on how our 15 second film should be directed.

After much debate and changing of my stories, the combined total resulted with this concept -

Story 1
  1. The screen opens completely black, a white burst of light illuminates the screen in a quick flash. A hand moves up to the centre of the light source to obscure the blinding shine. 
  2. The sound of footsteps is followed closely by the sound of a door creaking shut followed by a gentle/sharp bang.
  3. The camera angle changes to a side profiled view of a man with a single door frame behind him. He is not in a room, nor has he left one. He is situated on flat barren ground in a densely wooded forest/jungle. He has been transported to a dark and mysterious realm. Curious of his new location he steps forward to investigate where his portal has brought him.
  4. The camera angle changes to a reverse angle of the man walking into the forest. He walks ahead, slightly apprehensive of his new location. His curiosity overpowers his fear, bringing our protagonist though the tall trunks, weaving underneath and between the long pointed branched arms of beech and oak.
  5. All of a sudden an almighty ROAR is heard echoing from the distance. Pinning the man to the nearest tree in hope of shelter. The angle changes a front elevated view of the man against the tree, his whole body is in view.Behind is the darkened wood. teams of bats and birds flutter past in a panicked hurry. These are followed by teams of foxes, badgers and deer. Angle changing to the man's point of view- eye level- of animals scattering away.
  6. The THUD THUD THUD can be heard, the ground shakes, the man, trees and surrounds all vibrate. These violent footsteps are closely followed by the sounds of trees snapping, the crashing of falling trees and the heavy panicked breathing of the man. At this point an up close angle of the man's terrified face will be used.
  7. The final scene will be a long shot of the devastation created behind. The man will be viewed against his solitary tree, it it the only one still standing amidst all the destruction. The camera will zoom out. A dark silhouette will originate from the bottom left hand side of the screen. As it grows bigger, the angle sways left and the protagonist walks slowly out from the tree, his head raising in awe. The screen will be filled from top left to bottom right with the black figure, it's path of annihilation visible. Our hero pictured alone over the right shoulder of the beast, fear encapsulated in his face... a deep breath/grunt is taken...
  8. The scene cuts black ...
    The title of the piece can fade in here.

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