Wednesday 13 March 2013

Semester 2 Vis com

Our typography brief is based around the "state of our nation", we have to create an alphbet based on this satement. we were all assigned a letter each, some letters overlapping... my letters were J and X.Couple of great ideas so far , can't wait to start.

looking at kinetic type animation at the moment

as well as some funky type faces

Sunday 3 March 2013

Final concept - VIS COM

Colour plays a major role in our visual perception as it influences our reactions about the world around us. I found after much trial, error and constant replacing of the text that- and in keeping with the old cliché- less is more! So for my final concept for typography i found that text as closely similar to scrabble letters as possible would be most apt. Scrabble tiles are after all one of the most replaced typography in the board game world.(besides boggle)
After much time spent looking at tutorials for shape design i constructed my scrabble tile , a mix of a transparent beige, accentuated with a drop shadow. To emphasise my word (replace) i juxtaposed the tile with the bold type you'd associate with scrabble.
I found the E did not set right dropped down, so i rotated the letter 180 degrees, to show that the piece not only needed to be replaced in line as well as inverted. i also created a hollow slot from the outline of the rounded rectangle to show where the piece should be replaced.

The E was chosen to be replaced as it the most insignificant of all the letters in the word ... the first r and second e must stay static to represent the word , to sow it still resembled the word the p and l stayed static ... i was left with the decision of moving the first E or the a or c .. the E became the easiest to move of all 3.

more type

an example of some type i worked on


Looking at artist and illustrator Frank Stockton. i've been captured by his sequential illustrations and concept drawings.


The most closely related illustration to my word would be 'cliff''. Stockton was given the task by Zeit magazine of illustrating contemporary furniture in unusual natural scenes. HE replaced thier natural environment with a natural environment